Industries: Healthcare Providers

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As Healthcare Industry experiences unprecedented change with the recent passage of global Healthcare reform bill under the Obama administration, patients, insurers, hospitals, physicians, and medical practitioners await with some degree of uncertainty as Congress works to further refine the existing law and further delineate how it will affect each walk of life.

Clearly though, it goes without saying that decade over decade, we have seen the cost of healthcare skyrocket over the course of life. Antiquated technology, outdated systems, inadequate process and system integration between patient care, hospital providers and the payors have increased costs, while fraud and abuse at the Medicare/Medicaid level have only compounded these problems.

In order to meet the current and future challenges of providing quality care at reduced costs, it is more imperative than ever for healthcare providers to revaluate their approach and philosophy towards Enterprise Risk Management. Ensuring your people, processes and technology are aligned and well integrated will greatly minimize the many risks and inefficiencies you may be experiencing.

For almost 20 years, we have worked closely with healthcare providers of all sizes and have worked to solve their business pains. We offer the following solutions:

  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • HIPAA & ICD -10
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Implementation
  • State and Regulatory Compliance
  • Claims adjudication
  • Financial Analysis & Process Optimization
  • Reimbursement & Claims Cycle Analysis
  • Information Technology – Privacy, Audit and Technology Integration
  • Cost Recovery & Construction Audits
  • Internal Audits
  • Fraud Detection

Contact us today to learn how we can assist you.