Business Operations: Business Continuity Management Solutions

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Business Continuity Management

Whether due to acts of nature, accidents, human-triggered crises or technological failures, companies today are confronted by a range of risks and potential calamities as never before. Minimizing loss during these events and ensuring that business operations continue through and after an event can only be achieved if your company is prepared….and preparation requires that you anticipate potential threats, identify the appropriate options and responses, install mitigating measures, and plan in detail the actions you will need to take.

"Three things keep a business in business when a disaster strikes – the ability to immediately respond to the emergency, having measures in place for continuing core operational processes, and ensuring that personnel have access to the technological tools necessary to do their jobs."

The pillars upon which a Business Continuity Management (BCM) program is built are:

  • Emergency Response (ER) – Preplanned Emergency Response measures are critical in gaining control over a crisis, stabilizing the environment and safeguarding employees prior to commencing operational continuity and disaster recovery plans.
  • Operational Continuity (OC) – OC focuses on planning that anticipates interruptions in the resources, processes and procedures used by management and employees to perform the business’s critical day-to-day operational functions and provides for resumption of the most critical operations within a predetermined window of time following a disruption.
  • Disaster Recovery (DR) – DR planning and response, initiated concurrently with the OC Plan, concentrates on planning for the safeguarding and timely recovery of the technology environment and automated tools that support critical business functions in the event of a disastrous interruption.

GarryMichael has been at the forefront in identifying and assessing risk, determining functions critical to business, setting up alternative plans for continuing operational functionality, prioritizing recovery of associated tools and systems and periodically and realistically testing all of those plans against postulated events.

Business Continuity Management services are offered to companies ranging from those with no BCM program to those with robust programs already in place. GarryMichael works closely with our clients to develop precisely targeted services and effective solutions. Depending on client need, the following services are available and can be tailored to the specific client environment as well as adjusted to accommodate the level of participation desired by the client.

For clients without a formal BCM program, this offering takes the form of a readiness diagnostic; for established programs, the focus is adjusted to provide a third-party validation assessment. Diagnostics can be constructed to be BCM program-wide or concentrate on any of the three major components: Emergency Response, Operational Continuity or Disaster Recovery.

This offering provides comprehensive planning and full program development for clients without a formal BCM program and covers the complete Business Continuity life cycle from event onset to recovery. For established programs, we offer targeted assistance to close gaps or improve processes in any or all of the three BCM dimensions.

Once a program is established it is essential that all elements of the program are communicated to company personnel. It is also vital that all elements of the program are tested regularly and that personnel participate in realistic exercises to practice the things they would be required to do in the event of an emergency. Additionally, ongoing evaluations of these activities and reviews to ensure that plans and measures are up to date are required to optimize effectiveness. GarryMichael can complement client efforts by assisting with training and awareness, testing and drills, periodic programmatic reviews and auditing.

"Few companies have the resources necessary in-house to do everything that is required to ensure complete program effectiveness; but there is a company that can make a difference."

Understanding our clients’ business and not following a rigid, one-fits-all methodology have enabled us to be leaders in assisting every client achieve their own unique set of objectives. Our knowledge, experience, skill and, most of all, our flexibility in finding you the right solutions is the focus of our approach.

GarryMichael has satisfied clients across a broad base of industries in North America and in over 20 countries. Our integrated approach leverages the skills and knowledge of our clients and overlays our specific expertise in successfully delivering results for companies of all maturity stages and sizes.

Whether you need someone to review an existing business continuity program or your company needs to build a new program, we can help.

Contact our business continuity experts to find out how we can assist you.