Security and Privacy Solutions: Identify Theft and Privacy

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Identify Theft and Privacy

It is of no surprise to listen to the top concerns of a Chief Technology Executive in today’s environment – at the top of the list is managing the constant evolution and challenges associated with Information Security and Privacy. In today’s world, Hackers have become very sophisticated and cyber attacks are constantly making headlines. Bottom line - Cyber crimes continue to increase with no foreseeable end in sight.

In addition, the regulatory landscape continues to change with new privacy laws (for example, the Mass Privacy Act effective March 2010), or amendments to existing privacy laws which create new risks and challenges organizations must address effectively or increase their reputational risk or potential loss in profits.

Cyber attacks and identify theft are the fast growing issues of the information age. Our highly expert Information Technology Security Professionals work closely with clients in solving the following pains:

  1. Understanding the regulatory landscape surrounding various privacy issues.
  2. Evaluating existing policies and practices which address privacy concerns. We quickly conduct a comprehensive gap analysis or “snapshot” for management at any point in time.
  3. Work closely with you to address existing gaps within your Information Security environment.
  4. Utilize the latest tools and software in conducting attack and penetration testing to ensure your overall environment is protected.
  5. Contact our Information Technology Security experts to learn how we can assist you.