Internal Audit: Getting Started in Internal Audit and Development Solutions

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Getting Started in Internal Audit

With the ever increasing focus and interest on corporate governance and the need to better manage business risk, it is time you get started with internal audit. One does not invent the alphabet each time an email is written, so why start from scratch when developing an Internal Audit function?

Leverage our expertise and experience to help Get You Started with your Internal Audit efforts. Since we have been providing Internal Audit services for 20 years, Internal Audit is not just what we do, but defines who we are!

Our Getting Started framework helps you to:

  • Establish a vision and the objectives for your Internal Audit Function.
  • Establish a governance process – including defining the Audit Committee structure, Audit Committee Charter, role of Internal Audit, reporting mechanisms, communication channels and protocol.
  • Develop a risk assessment process.
  • Assist you in recruiting or training your Internal Audit team
  • Assist you with the overall Internal Audit project framework, including the implementation of audit tools, project framework, project scoping, fieldwork and reporting.
  • Provide knowledge transfer to your staff so they can successfully execute your internal audit plan.

Our Solution Development Model is a structured approach for delivering the right solutions to address your specific goals and objectives. The four components are dependent upon open and constant communication to ensure our solution is tailored to meet any changes in your business or requirements. 

  • LISTEN & UNDERSTAND – We listen and take the time to thoroughly understand your needs, objectives and expectations.
  • DEFINE SCOPE & APPROACH – We carefully consider the views and objectives of all stakeholders to ensure that we develop an engagement approach that effectively and efficiently addresses your challenges.
  • ENGAGE – Using our collaborative approach, we actively engage all stakeholders to analyze and understand each piece of the challenge thoroughly.
  • DEVELOP & FACILITATE – Our professionals combine knowledge, best practices, firm resources and feedback from your team to develop leading solutions to mitigate your risks and address challenges.