Data Management: Hosted Data Management Solutions

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Hosted Data Management Solutions

Organizations of all types and sizes generate hundreds to millions of data transactions every day. Whether from the general ledger, human resources, order management, inventory, e-commerce and distribution systems or your fully integrated ERP application, these transactions can provide great insight into your organization. Data analytics technologies possess the power to identify errors, fraud and inefficiencies by independently checking and validating entire populations of transactions against specified control parameters and business rules to identify trends, pinpoint exceptions and highlight potential areas of concern.

Purchasing and implementing a data analytics program, at its onset, can be a daunting task and a potentially expensive endeavor:

  • Which software package is right for you?
  • Do you need to buy new hardware to support the software?
  • What are the initial and ongoing costs for software and hardware?
  • How much training will I need for my staff to effectively use this new tool?
  • How fast will you see a return on your investment?

GarryMichael offers a completely hosted solution that provides the benefits of a sophisticated data analytics platform coupled with expert analysis and interpretation. Our data analytics platform allows you to realize the benefits of having a data analytic solution in-house, but without the initial and ongoing cost of buying software, installing hardware, and training your staff.

Our team of professionals can help you:

  • Quick implementation and rapid return on investment
  • A sophisticated data analytics platform without the costs of hardware, software, training and maintenance
  • A higher level of assurance on the quality and effectiveness of manual and automated business controls
  • Ability to quickly identify potential instances of fraud, duplicate payments and overpayments
  • Eliminating the dependency on IT to supply data and develop reports used in audits and financial analysis
  • Immediate access to world-class data analysis experts and internal control specialists

Contact our Data Management Group experts to find out how we can assist you.