Data Management: Data Analytics Training and Development

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Data Analytics Training & Development

Like any specialized tool or skill, it takes time and commitment to become proficient. This could not be more true for many of the data analytic tools that are available today. While these tools often look like many of the common applications you might use, it takes time to become familiar with and appreciate the differences between them.

At GarryMichael, we have taken a very practical approach to our training and development programs. All our courses are based on a practical Accounts Payable case study which is applicable to almost every business environment. We present our materials in a way that focuses on the getting the best possible results from the tool.

In addition to traditional training, we have had remarkable success with our coaching program, which combines the traditional classroom environment with an actual data analytics project. This method results in participants who are highly engaged in the development of their own solution and typically, a higher level of retention and subsequent proficiency.

Our courses are aim at users of every level:

  • Review
  • Introductory
  • Intermediate / Techniques
  • Advanced / Automation
  • Custom

Our team of professionals can help you:

  • Learn how to better use and apply data analytics technologies
  • Understand the true value of data analytic tools
  • Familiarize your team with the features and functionality of your tools
  • Discover new techniques to better apply data analytics to every project
  • Customize training to use data from your environment to ensure maximum resonance with participants

Contact our Data Management Group experts to learn more about our training and coaching programs.